Friday, May 25, 2012

black & blue

I made this little denim number last week.  To be quite honest, I originally wanted a denim dress to wear with some adorable floral denim wedges I got at Forever 21 a while back.  The dress apparently has other plans, however, as I am discovering that it goes with almost everything in my wardrobe, filling a gap I didn't even know I had.

i'm looking at these pictures and realizing that my posture is wretched

dress: made by me|necklace: vintage|cardigan: vintage|shoes: forever 21

The lining of the dress is a really pretty green calico, but looking back I wish I'd done satin or whatever normal people use to line things with.  It would have made the dress lay much nicer and garments lined with that stuff always feel so posh haha.  And I'm not happy with the zipper, but I never am.  This wasn't a shabby project though, seeing as it's only my fourth sewing project.  I think I'll wear this quite a bit this summer, which is more than I can say for some of the other things I've made that are looking very sad and lonesome in the back of my closet.

And do excuse the cluttered state of my room.  I'm trying to turn that corner into a sewing area, but other things keep distracting me and I just keep shoving more stuff over there.  I promise I'll at least fix all those National Geographic Magazines by the end of the evening.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I cleaned my closet and it's still dirty

   I cleaned my coset the other day, which is the bizarrest thing because I never clean but whatevs moving on.  The best part was finding what is apparently my mother's old sweater vest from high school.  I don't know how it got into the floor of my closet.  I don't know why I didn't pick up on its fabulousness whenever I threw it on the floor.  But here it is and oh my god I am so excited about incorporating it into my wardrobe.

i am an awkward ostrich

being michael jackson

this is kind of the best picture of me ever thank you camera

annnnnd derpin it up

   jeans - forever 21|denim vest - forever 21|sweatervest - vintage

   Sadly, I didn't find any other wonderful garments in my closet, although I did find that I can still fit into a size 12 (children's, mind you, I'm not that large) and I haven't grown since age 10.  I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this.

   Side note - ignore the twin trash bags.  I said I cleaned my closet.  I did not say what I did with the clothes.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hi folks

   This is a teensy bit awkward because I feel like I'm talking to myself.  It also feels like NaNoWriMo, which I do not have good memories of.  But alas, I shall forge on into the unknown universe of bogging.  Not bogging.  Blogging.  I'm pretty sure the Swamp People people do bogging.  Yay typos and yay puns.  I told you this would be awkward.

   I think I should probably write down what I want from this blog otherwise I'll forget.
  1. I want to document my fashion adventures.
  2. I want to document my sewing/DIY-ing adventures.
  3. I want a place to show off my fashion and sewing and DIY skills!!!  Holla!
  4. Annnnnnnd I want a place where I can just generally give a snarky commentary on everything that happens or has ever happened or could ever happen.  Not limited to one tense, chitlins.

   Mostly, though, I am the most absent minded person ever.  And I'm bad about writing tons of run-on sentences, which is basically a sin according to like, every English teacher ever.  So I'm hoping that this will help me focus on a project and make me  better writer.  I will be really amused if anyone ever reads this thing.  Hi if you're reading this!  Ahhhhhhhh okay I'm done now.